Whatever their role or their geographic location, our 150 employees form our company’s most valuable asset. Day in and day out, they apply their talent, passion and expertise, contributing actively to making WaveStar stand out across the country with the great quality of their work.
In a constantly changing industry, they form the cornerstone of our success and are our greatest competitive advantage in maintaining our national leadership position in telecommunications network infrastructure.
Executive Team
Managing Partner
Cheyanne McMahon
Director, Business Operations Support Services
Bill Mercer
VP Operations
Cameron Massie
Business Development, Sales
Brian Leeb
Director ISP Engineering & Design
Charles Vaz
Director ISP Deployment, Western Canada
Chad Yakeley
Director ISP Deployment, Eastern Canada
Enzo Facca
Director, OSP Deployment
Service Managers
Ryan Prasad
ISP Lab Deployment
Keith Barrett
ISP Deployment
Wilmarck Pijal
Optical Transport Deployment
Steven McFarlane
AC Electrical
Orlando Francisco
Wireless & In-building Deployment
Adam Cate
DC Power Systems
Robert Dowe
ISP Deployment, Atlantic Canada